Adding Custom CSS or Javascript to Your Video Website

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If you are a savvy web developer and know your way around the front-end of a website, you might want to add your own CSS or Javascript to overwrite some of the standard theme settings to achieve a more customized look and feel for your video site.

Note: This feature is only available on certain plans. Contact with any questions.


To add custom CSS to your video site, select the ‘Site Editor’ button at the top of the page and navigate to the ‘Code’ tab on the lefthand side of the screen. Here, you can enter CSS to your heart’s content.


To add the custom Javascript to your video site, select the ‘Site Editor’ button at the top of the page and navigate to the ‘Code’ tab on the lefthand side of the screen. Here, you can add custom Javascript to your video site. This can be used to add arbitrary content like third-party tracking tools to your video site.

Enter Custom CSS or Javascript for Your SproutVideo Website

You can review your edits in the Preview of your video site. When you are finished making changes, click ‘Publish Changes’ in the upper righthand corner of the page.

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