How to Export a CSV Report of the Video Access History for a Single Viewer Login

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What’s Included in the Video Access History for a Single Viewer Login?

The Video Access History for a Single Viewer Login will include:

  • The date of each event
  • The action that occured
  • The ID and title of the video the login viewed
  • The domain the video was viewed on
  • The IP address used at the time of the event
  • The percentage for how much of the video was viewed

How to Export a CSV of the Video Access History for a Single Viewer Login

First, navigate to the ‘Viewer Logins’ page, then select a specific login. Select ‘Access History’ on the left side of the page. Once on the Access History page select the ‘Export Access History’ button. Once the report is compiled, you’ll receive an email containing a link to download the report.

Select a specific login

Generate Video Access History for a Single Viewer Login

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