Troubleshooting Uploads

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Common Causes of Failed Uploads

Is your upload not working? Unfortunately, there are several different reasons why uploads can fail. Here are some things to try that might help if you are having problems uploading successfully.

  • Disable any anti-virus, anti-malware, anti-spyware, or “internet protection suite” software you may have running while uploading: These kinds of applications are known to cause problems with large file uploads. Some of these applications can cause serious problems with your internet connection.

  • Make sure you are connected directly to the internet and not through a proxy: Proxy servers can cause problems with large file uploads. Some may have limits on the size of the file that can be uploaded, and others just handle uploads very poorly.

  • Make sure the file you are trying to upload is located on a local hard drive and not on a network, USB or FireWire drive: Sometimes the extra latency or an intermittent connection can cause issues when uploading files that are not located directly on the hard drive of the computer from which you are uploading.

  • Make sure your computer does not go to sleep while you are uploading: If your computer goes to sleep while an upload is in progress, it will almost certainly cause the upload to fail.

  • If you are connected to the internet via WiFi make sure you have a strong and stable connection or switch to using an ethernet cable if possible: Weak or intermittent internet connections due to spotty WiFi can sometimes cause uploads to fail. Make sure you have a strong connection to your WiFi network or use an ethernet cable if possible.

  • Make sure your video file has completely finished exporting: If you just clicked export from your video editing software, your video file will appear in your selected folder, however, it might not be finished processing. Be sure the editing program is no longer running any processes on the file, and that you can open the finished video and play it on your computer. An incomplete file will definitely cause an upload to fail.

  • Try using a different web browser: Some browsers are better able to upload large files than others.

If you’re still having problems and have ruled out everything above, please contact support and we’ll do our best to resolve the issue.

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